5 Things You Should Know about the Payment Ecosystem

5 Things You Should Know about the Payment Ecosystem

Fintech insiders oftentimes erroneously assume that consumers, let alone merchants, know much more about the payment ecosystem than they actually do. This might lead to disturbing misunderstandings, make companies miss business opportunities, consumers get a headache and vendors fritter away their marketing budgets.

Lexical functional programming — jargon and naming convention

Lexical functional programming — jargon and naming convention

„Everything flows”, said Heraclitus. The reactive paradigm followers like to say that „everything is a stream”. The phrase attributed to Heraclitus is valid for both functional and reactive paradigms. In the first one, we have pipelines, in the second one – streams. That testifies to the significant similarity between these paradigms and shows that reactive programming (but more FRP) is, in fact, an asynchronous implementation of a functional flow.

C2B Bank Accounts. Filling the Missing Link to the Open Banking Revolution

C2B Bank Accounts. Filling the Missing Link to the Open Banking Revolution

The Open Banking Revolution is happening right now. When it comes to online payments, initiating transactions via banking APIs is undoubtedly a gamechanger for the whole ecosystem. But access to tech-savvy corporate banking is limited. Fortunately, challenger banks come to the rescue. Here is what you need to know.

Ecommerce Management Issues Most Entrepreneurs Forget About: Part II

Ecommerce Management Issues Most Entrepreneurs Forget About: Part II

In my previous entry, I listed several strategic ecommerce issues omitted by most mid-sized businesses when launching online sales. You already know that most of the starting-point mistakes result from treating an online shop just like another physical store. Here goes the second part where you’ll find even more topics to tick on your strategic to-do list.

Ecommerce Management Issues Most Entrepreneurs Forget About: Part I

Ecommerce Management Issues Most Entrepreneurs Forget About: Part I

Ever more companies develop online sales channels, also in traditionally offline industries. Big players apply advanced ecommerce management strategies, which increase the chances of e-success, but smaller entities tend to neglect the strategic part. In this entry, I explain why it’s a mistake and what strategic issues to mind in the context of ecommerce management.

What is Subscription Management Software and Why You Need It

What is Subscription Management Software and Why You Need It

Let’s face it: the subscription-based model provides you with loads of valuable customer data but, unless you hire a full-time data analyst, it’s impossible to make full use of them. Moreover, managing subscription plans of every single subscriber manually is a real nightmare. That’s why subscription management software has been created. What is it and how to make the most of it?

Optimizing Card Payments: Smart Retry

Optimizing Card Payments: Smart Retry

In the face of Subscription Economy, offering your merchandise in the form of a subscription-based service may seem tempting. Before you pivot, however, it is worth getting familiar with technology designed to make recurring payments more effective. Here comes Smart Retry aimed at increasing card authorization rate. How does it work and why should you implement it?

What to Look for in a Payment Gateway? Part II

What to Look for in a Payment Gateway? Part II

In my previous entry, I have proposed some basic questions an online merchant should ask before selecting a payment gateway. If you run a subscription-based business, you should get acquainted with several extra questions specific to your business model. A subscription-friendly payment gateway is a way to gain higher control over your business.