Actionable Insights Always at Hand
Analyse payment-related data and generate
comprehensive, truly informative reports.
Stay up-to-date and boost profits. Effectively.

Analyse payment-related data and generate
comprehensive, truly informative reports.
Stay up-to-date and boost profits. Effectively.
Keep track of your key payment-associated indicators and make well-
informed, data-driven decisions.
Straal Kompas enables following in real time indicators such as your total transaction
volume, average transaction value, authorization rate, decline rate, decline reasons,
and more.
Monitor the dynamics of critical metrics that illustrate the performance of recurring businesses.
At Straal Kompas, indicators such as MRR, LTV, Churn Rate are accessible in just a
few clicks. Always at hand, always up-to-date.
Monitor and analyse transaction risk in the face of card organization rules.
Track your chargeback ratios, reason codes and count thresholds to stay away from trouble.
Straal Sp. z o. o. (company number: 0000694017), Pl. Europejski 1, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland
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